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Pi and Golden Number

  • Constants whith ratio to 3/2

    All these constants are by a 3/2 ratio in the order of appearance of the 10 digits.

  • pi and phi

    Inside these two constants, the four appearance areas have the same digits of the decimal system. And all these areas add up to multiples of 9.

  • square root of 2, of 3 and of 5

    Inside these three constants, the four appearance areas have the same digits of the decimal system. These areas add up to multiples of 3, 5 and 9.

  • 4/e-1

    Inside these two constants, the four appearance areas have the same digits of the decimal system. And all these areas add up to multiples of 9.

  • Viswanath's constant and e

    Inside these two constants, the four appearance areas have the same digits of the decimal system. And all these areas add up to multiples of 9. V = Viswanath's constant.

  • Pi and Phi

    Inside these two constants, the four appearance areas have the same digits of the decimal system. And all these areas add up to multiples of 9.

  • some variations of Pi

    Inside these three constants, the four appearance areas have the same digits of the decimal system. And all these areas add up to multiples of 9.

  • variations of square root of 3 and of 5

    Inside these two constants, the four appearance areas have the same digits of the decimal system. And all these areas add up to multiples of 3.

  • 4,5 square root

    4.5 is the average of the 10 digits. In the square root of this number, the ten digits appear in a complementary way to always give a value of 9!