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The modules of Petoukhov

This study describes numerous phenomena of symmetry in the distribution of the amino acids in the genetic code table. These phenomena consist to arithmetical arrangements of sets of modules numbers or/and of protons numbers which are counted in each of the 20 amino acids used by the standard genetic code. The author has already presented numerous phenomena of symmetry about the genetic code in the study “The numeric connections of the genetic code1. In this present article, is specifically investigated the molecular modules system of Professor Sergei Petoukhov.

Petoukhov’s structure is an original system describing the living molecular structure. Here is a fragment of the article2: S.V.Petoukhov “Genetic Code and the Ancient Chinese “Book Of Changes “ “Symmetry: Culture and Science”, 1999, vol.10 :


…Instead of usual symbols of atoms (in a form of circles with the letters inside) new symbolism will represent each non-hydrogen atom by number of protons of its nucleus. For example, atom of nitrogen will be represented by number 7. If one or several atoms of hydrogen are joined to some non-hydrogen atom, we shall add protons of hydrogen to number of protons of non-hydrogen atom always. Such group of the non- hydrogen atom with its adjoined hydrogen atoms (i.e., “protonated” non-hydrogen atom) will be denote by sum of protons of their nucleuses. For example, amino group NH2 will be denoted by number 9 which is sum of 7 protons of nitrogen atom and 2 protons of two hydrogen atoms. In such schemes the atoms of hydrogen are not represented independently at all, and their presence at a molecule simply increases general number of protons of the atoms, connected to them directly…

So, a module is a grouping of one non-hydrogen atom with from 0 to 3 hydrogen atoms. These modules are described by S. Petoukhov in a number from 6 to 9. This number is the quantity of protons inside the module.


Taille : 1.16 Mo


 This paper is referenced on the ResearchGate site
